Function Furniture

Function Furniture

111 Products

Function centres operate in what is possibly the most challenging and high stress of all hospitality environments. The spaces and ambience created by function centres are energetically critiqued by attendees and organisers and can have a significant impact on reputation. Having worked with many function centres in Perth, Furniture Options has acquired a deep understanding of what’s required in function furniture.

We have customised designs and perfected a manufacturing approach that ensures our function chairs and furniture suit each job exactly. Strong, fashionable, light, comfortable, flexible and stackable for ease of storage, our function furniture is guaranteed to fulfil your needs. An example of our custom designed function chairs is the ‘Wortley’, made to meet the needs of Fraser’s Function Centre. In view of the fact that these chairs were used for CHOGM, we can of course now claim to have provided furniture fit for royalty!

111 Products
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