Human Centred Workplace
Human Centred Workplace
Wilkhahn, a brand synonymous with pioneering fresh concepts and innovative approaches to office work and workplace well-being. Drawing upon decades of a unique corporate culture, work on international projects and a wealth of scientific research on evolving offices, they've created what is now known as the "Human-centered Workplace". A place where furniture supports teamwork, identity and purpose.
Core Challenges
The significant shift to remote work prompted by the pandemic has ignited discussions on the relevance of office spaces. This debate gained momentum, especially given the surprisingly positive outcomes of remote work. However, it's crucial to recognise that, no matter how well-equipped a home office may be, it cannot fully replace the authentic workplace ambiance, team camaraderie, brainstorming sessions, or face-to-face interactions. In essence, these aspects are increasingly deemed vital amidst the ongoing transformative processes across various domains.
Working in a Human-Centered Workplace
Hours of computer work requires furniture that counteracts the chronic lack of movement associated with sedentary nature of the job. Our bodies need a diverse range of small but frequent movements to stay healthy. This is why the human-centered workplace provides a variety of spaces tailored to specific tasks and individual preferences, allowing individuals to engage in reflection, research, document creation, or project completion.
Meetings For Humans
Whether it's a board meeting or a spur of the moment touch-base, meetings are the most complex but effective forms of human interaction and essential to business. The Human-Centered workplace offers both versatile and single purpose spaces that cultivate collaboration using contemporary and transparent design,
Fostering Innovation
Designing offices as interactive and open spaces underpins successful innovation and growth Wilkhanh takes an integrative approach to well-being, collaboration, identity and purpose.
Wilkhahn offers a practical and invaluable framework for envisioning the workspaces of tomorrow — environments where individuals thrive and productivity flourishes..
Supported by three studies, the novel concept stands as one of the most scientifically validated solutions for promoting mobility in office settings. Whether individuals are utilizing the ON, IN, or AT chairs at their desks, adopting a perched stance on Stitz, engaging in Stand-up during activity-based breaks, or actively utilising the dynamic Confair or Timetable table ranges, the approach caters to a diverse range of scenarios.
Empowering Well-Being In The Workforce.
Wilkhahn’s revolutionary family of 3D ergonomic task chairs set the scene for strong performance – whether that’s at a fast-growing organisation or a well-established institution; at home or in the office.